Welcome to Faiqua Foundation

Stop Child Labour

Faiqua Foundation is a Govt. registered Society which is registered under Society registration XXI of 1860. It is registered by the Registrar of Societies, Govt. of NCT of Delhi on 15th Day of December in the year two thousand nine.

“Faiqua Foundation” is a private, international, non-denominational development organisations.

It works to improve the welfare and prospects of people in the developing world, particularly in Asia without regard to faith, origin or gender, caste and creeds. Its programmes are designed to bring a critical mass of economic, social, educational and cultural activities to bear on a given area. Its projects encompass many of the determinants of the quality of life, including the natural and built environments in both urban and rural areas, food security, health, education, access to financial services and economic opportunity, as well as the cultural areas of traditional music, architecture and art. Some programmes, such as specific research, education and cultural programmes, span both the developed and developing worlds especially Delhi India.

Our Goal

Civil Society Activities



Welfare Services